Thursday, September 19, 2024

Peshtigo School Board celebrates beginning of school year


PESHTIGO – The Peshtigo School Board held their first meeting of the 2024-25 school year. After approving the agenda from the previous meeting, the board heard updates on the beginning of the school year from the principals.
Middle School and High School Principal Chad Sodini shared that so far “[the school year has] been great, it’s been fantastic.” Principal Sodini also added that the middle school students have been adjusting well to having classes upstairs and coming to the elementary school for music classes.
Principal Sodini then provided the Advanced Placement test scores from last year. While the pass rate for AP Language was 10%, AP Biology was a 100% pass rate; AP Literature had 100% pass and the one student in AP European History passed. AP U.S. History also had a pass rate of 58%, which was up from previous years.
Next, the principals shared school goals they will be focusing on this semester. At the middle school and high school they will work on making sure policies and practices between the schools are consistent and review handbook policies.
At the elementary school Principal John Bell and other staff members will be attending CESA 8 training and will be taking staff feedback regarding school-wide expectations.
Afterwards, the school board shared new hires for the district. This included Kayler Young, middle school science teacher, Mackenzie Cole, part-time choir director and Tim Wargula, assistant boys soccer coach.
The Peshtigo School Board then heard the Seclusion and Restraint Annual Report from Director of Student Services Julie Williams.
Williams shared that seclusion is “the involuntary confinement of a student…from which the student is physically prevented from leaving.” Restraint is “a restriction that immobilizes.” The usage of seclusion and restraint must be included in an Individualized Education Plan so that parents understand what may happen.
The middle school and high school had no incidents, and the elementary school had eight total incidents. This included seven usages of physical restraint and eight usages of seclusion. These occurred amongst three students with IEP plans that included seclusion and restraint.
After seclusion and/or restraint occurs, a letter will be sent home before the school day is completed, a teacher report will be filed within three business days and a meeting regarding the circumstances will occur.
Williams closed out her meeting by sharing “I think our staff has done a good job with keeping everyone safe over the past few years.”
Afterwards, the board then approved policy 2264 on “non-discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities.” Superintendent Patrick Rau shared that he received no phone calls, emails or questions regarding the new policy.
In upcoming news, Gary Larsen shared that the Senior Breakfast will take place at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 2, at the Peshtigo Elementary Learning Center. After the breakfast seniors will have a chance to tour the new buildings.
The Peshtigo School Board will meet next on Wednesday, Oct. 9, in the Elementary Learning Center at 6 p.m. They will discuss the preliminary budget plans as well as the evacuation plan.

Peshtigo School Board, High School, school year, AP Placement tests