Thursday, February 6, 2025

Kathy Crabtree - Letter to Editor


I have been following the green truck conversation in the paper and from residents of Peshtigo. The consensus is keep the truck where it is. 

Most residents love seeing it decorated. The advertising on it is minimal, the cord to light the lights twice a year is a non issue, it being dirty underneath (leaves, etc.) is a non issue, I’ve seen worse in other parts of the city.

It is an attraction for our wonderful city, along with our river, parks, flower pots, fire museum, and overall niceties our city has. 

On another note, our previous Mayor worked extremely hard on getting grants for our city to ease taxes on the citizens, the last one was for almost one million dollars to improve west park drive.  I lost my husband a year and a half ago and becoming a one income resident that means less taxes I will have to pay. Thank you, Cathi, for all your hard work while in office. 

Thank you, 
Kathy Crabtree

Kathy Crabtree, Letter To Editor


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