Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Pendulum

I looked inside my heart and home  At the comfort and food found there  I was blessed to live abundantly Was I willing to give and share Most of us are doing well …

Let freedom ring!

Impossible to believe that June is gone and the wonderful Fourth of July weekend is here. We who are lucky enough to live in TimesLand will have a hard time deciding which of the many fun events …

Glad I’m Not a Farmer

First, a timely reminder:  Avoid a heartache!  July 4th celebrations are underway and will continue through next weekend.  Keep your dogs and cats INSIDE.  Collars with ID tags, …

God blessed America!

Summer just got here, but June is all but over, with all the rain of the past week, some members of our family were trying to figure out just how big a “cubit” is, to determine the size …

Unwelcome Dinner Guest

In mid-May we were away from home for eight days, and our two dogs were boarded.  A pet sitter visited regularly for the cats and the horse, but things were strangely quiet at our house.  …

Village of Pound discuss updates and licenses

POUND – During the Village of Pound Board meeting on June 10 at 6 p.m. the board heard from committees regarding updates in the village.  The board heard from Department of the …

A father shouldn’t have to wait

A father shouldn’t have to wait, Until it’s father’s day.  To be told how much we love him,  Each and every day.  A father shouldn’t have to …

It’s the good old summertime...

Summer officially arrives in TIMESLand on Thursday, June 20, but we’ve already had some pretty hefty advance servings of the season. Was in the 90s on Monday and Tuesday, and a few times before …

The Old Stomping Grounds

I spent more time in the Marinette/Peshtigo area the last ten days than I have since I left home more than 50 years ago.  I’m still helping navigate the results of mom’s natural …

Thanks Dad, I Love You - Joyce Bedora

Thanks Dad,  I Love You As I look back upon my life,  It’s hard to comprehend.  The fullness of my father’s love,  It seems to have no …

Roger Lanich - Letter to Editor

The Canadian Wild Lily Growing tall with whorled leaves With yellow flowers on separate stalks The Canadian wild lily looks While nearby a fawn learns to walk In hidden …

Connie Kewley - Letter to Editor

The American Legion Auxiliary’s past “2022” National President, Kathy Daudistel, focused on veteran Caregivers, and families. There are approximately 5.5 million Caregivers (unsung …

Honor Thy Father...

Summer will officially arrive in TimesLand at 3:51 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, although it will be hard to tell because we’ve been enjoying a lot of summer-like weather already. But the Summer …

At Least No One Got Hurt

Early the week of May 20th, a severe storm swept through my mom’s neighborhood.  Most of the neighbors were fine, but apparently the strong winds identified a weak link among the huge old …

Ben Murray has announced he will be seeking election to Wisconsin’s 36th State Assembly seat.  This is the second attempt for Murray at political office stating that the District had …

North to Alaska

Just before Covid wrecked havoc on the cruise ship industry, we had been booked on an Alaskan cruise with four other couples.  Of course, the plans got put on hold, and in mid-May Mike and I …

June Dairy Month

Hard to believe, but Memorial Day is gone, May is over and June is here. If we blink, winter will be here and summer of 2024 will be just a beautiful memory. Let’s keep our eyes open so that …

Celebration of the Birds

The last few years, I was worried about what had happened to the songbirds.  We weren’t getting many birds at our sunflower feeder at all; and only a few species were represented.  We …

Dear Editor, The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 would like to take this time to reflect with the community on Memorial Day, to remember those veterans who fought, and …

Going Down the Road - Roger Lanich

Going Down the Road Going down the road No place in particular Just wanting to find What’s around the next bend Nothing on my mind| Just want to be free …

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