Thursday, February 6, 2025

Appreciation for all who Labor - From My WIndow

Things are a bit crazy here, and I didn’t think about the meaning of Labor Day before it occurred.  The purpose of Labor Day seems lost in the observation of the holiday as the end of …

Summer’s Ending - Roger Lanich

Summer’s Ending The apples have ripened on the tree Canadian geese and swans will fly To escape the chill to be free It lapsed away too fast The rose petals fell to the …

Kathy Crabtree - Letter to Editor

I have been following the green truck conversation in the paper and from residents of Peshtigo. The consensus is keep the truck where it is.  Most residents love seeing it decorated. The …

Pete Pfankuch - Letter to Editor

Why is the solution to government’s shortage of budget funds to increase taxes?  Few if any tax payers want to give them more of our hard earned money.  We do not want wheel taxes, …

I can feel it coming - From My WIndow

Labor Day looms in just a few weeks; it’s the traditional “end of summer” marker.  But the signs of pending autumn have been everywhere I look. Several mornings in a row …

Cathi Malke - Letter to Editor

On August 5, I attended the City of Peshtigo Council meeting.  I attended to hear the fate of the old green truck parked across from City Hall.  This has been the discussion at several …

Packer Family Night

Mike got tickets for the Packer Family Night scrimmage at Lambeau earlier this month, and it was awesome.  The only thing that would have been better would have been having our two grandchildren …

The Crivitz Village Board has voted to create an Economic Development Coordinator (EDC) position to promote Crivitz and the surrounding area. I believe the cost of creating this position will …

Dear friends and neighbors of Menominee County,  I just saw a sign posted that was against “save the roads”.  This compelled me to write this plea.  Back in …

All in on the Olympics - From My Window

I watched more TV last week than I normally do in a month. I love the Olympics, and I don’t feel guilty about so much screen and butt time. It’s uplifting to enjoy one of the great global …

Pete Pfankuch - Letter to Editor

I live in the Town of Lake in Marinette County. There are many people with more than one garage on their property around me. How do farmers get along with only one out building in the Town of …

Dog days...

Summer just keeps speeding by. July is over, August is here, fall sports practices are starting soon and schools will be back in session in just a few short weeks. Meanwhile, community events, …

Appreciating Brilliance

Recently someone close to me bought a new vehicle.  They had been driving an older, strictly utilitarian little extended cab truck for many years, and although their make and model choice would …

The Upper Inlet - Roger Lanich

The Upper Inlet The small creek is murmuring Trickling on and on  To somewhere it’ll join another In the woods beyond Through the cedar swamp it runs  …

Summer just keeps flying by!

We’ve had some hot, sticky days, a bit of rain and lots of mosquitoes, but also some very fine weather for playing (or working) outdoors, and there’s more to come. The forecasters are …

The center of summer - From My Window

I notice when I retreat to bed with my book at an hour of the evening that is so early, I am embarrassed to share it publicly, that the days are getting shorter.  The signs are all around. …

Summer is half over

The suffocating heat of last week has eased off a bit, and the weatherman is promising some truly fine summer weather for the next week or so. They’re talking about sunny days in the 80-degree …

A Wisconsin Thing - From My Window

There are a lot of unique things about Wisconsin, but I recently ran across a “Facebook” site that nails an aspect of my state that many of you will remember, but is fading away. The …

The fun goes on...

Once again, TIMESLand was blessed with marvelous weather for the entire Fourth of July weekend. Don’t believe it rained on any of our parades, nor were any of the fireworks drowned out. …

Dying by Inches

Alongside the gravel road, on the edge of our property, is an ancient apple tree.  I was surprised when I first noticed it about eight years ago.  Unlike the aged orchards you see by old …

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