Town of Wagner Approves 2023 Budget, WRS Contract

The monthly meeting of the Wagner Town Board was called to order by Chairperson Steve Renikow Sr. at 6:28 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 9 with supervisors Mollie Arthur and Ed Delfosse, Clerk Tina Davis, Treasurer Margo Renikow and six members of the public.
Motion to approve the agenda was made by Supervisor Mollie Arthur and seconded by Supervisor Ed Delfosse. There was no correspondence.
Chairperson Renikow updated the board and stated that the General Election went well, with about a  70% voter turnout.
Renikow also stated that he met with Scott Engineering regarding the Caylor/Grand Rapids Road project. There is 1.9 miles of black top, of which .87 miles needs to be wedged which would equate to approximately $100,000 and chip seal at about $42,000. Scott suggested sealing crakcs in the road that would not be wedged, which would be about $8,000.
There was no one from the public who spoke. Minutes of the Oct. 12 monthly meeting were approved. Motion to approve the minutes by Supervisor Arthur and seconded by Supervisor Delfosse. Motion carried. Treasurer Margo Renikow read the Town’s ending cash balances as of Oct. 31.
Fire Department update was given by Mike Caylor. He stated the Fire Department responded to one call since the last Board meeting, a CO alarm caused by the power outage. No CO was detected. Maintenance and training hours amounts to 17. The garage door seals are installed, ladder testing is done, as well as all other State mandated testing. Fire inspections are complete. The Halloween Trunk or Treat program went well; there were 5 trunks participating and over 30 children attended. The Fall Raffle will be held at the Heritage Inn on Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the Heritage, or from any member.
Public Works Update: Chairman Renikow reiterated that the Dump will be closed on Nov. 19, the first day of deer season, will reopen from noon to 5 p.m. on the 23rd, and then will return to normal hours after that.
Animal Control updates: Gerald Micksch reported one call from the Marinette Police Department for removal of a dog from a home. He also received a call from a woman who was walking on County X with her dog, regarding harassment from a resident. No law enforcement involvement was needed.
The Board also discussed/considered Old Depot demolition/legal action. Supervisor Arthur stated that a default hearing has been scheduled on the Court docket on Dec. 8th at 2:30 p.m. Supervisor Delfosse will attend the hearing. There may be one more hearing after that.
The paperwork for the tax collection was signed after the Oct. 12th meeting. Property taxes for the Town will now be collected from the County of Marinette and not the Town of Wagner.
The Budget Meeting was held this date. The proposed budget was presented to members of the Public that were present. After discussion, the Budget for 2023 was passed unanimously.
The proposed contract was read aloud by Supervisor Arthur. The contract period would be from Jan. 1, 2023 – Dec. 31, 2023 for a total sum of $91,937.00 for Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The 2022 contract total was $83,600. Mr. Caylor stated the increase is due to pay raises for employees. He stated that they have good employees and want to be competitive so as to keep them. The Quarterly payments would be $22,984.25. Motion by Supervisor Delfosse to enter into the Contract with WRS, seconded by Supervisor Arthur. Motion carried.
After review of the contract, it is  in effect from 2021-2023, so no action is needed at this time.
Chairman Renikow stated that  the Cottage Lane project is coming along; the borings and surveys are in process.
Replacement of Treasurer’s Laptop, the laptop in current use is outdated and does not support the software for Town business or bookkeeping. She received two  quotes from UES for laptops. Both quotes are for laptops that are relatively the same; she will ask UES what the difference  is, as there is about $30 in price difference. The prices of the laptops  are $550 and $580, but does not include setup and support. Motion by Supervisor Arthur for approval of up to $1,000 to replace the laptop, to include taxes and tech support. Seconded by Supervisor Delfosse. Motion carried.
Future agenda items will include Old depot demolition/legal action, Cottage Lane update, Dump Hours during Christmas.
Motion to Adjourn by Supervisor Arthur and seconded by Supervisor Delfosse. Meeting adjourned at 6:47PM.
The next monthly Board Meeting will be Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 6:30 PM.


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