Letter to the Editor from Roger Pillath

Letter to Editor:

Nov. 3rd was a great day for me as my faith in democracy and capitalism was renewed. America is waking up! Getting up and turning on news of Virginia and New Jersey, two democratic strong holds, realizing that socialism/communism is not the answer. New Jersey is in the process of recounts but I pray for the republican candidates’ success. It was great to see that you don’t need a pile of money to win a campaign!   So much for the yapping of who has raised the most money! That’s all they have to offer. And we’re starting to see this in our state with the laundry list of candidates on the democrat party running against Senator Johnson who has done a fine job for us through his honest endeavors and isn’t a product of the fake ads that are shown on TV. These people are just a rubber stamp for the chaos we see today in Washington.
With a president going to a climate conference, which involved 4 UW jets, 85 gas guzzling cars which paraded Biden 92 miles to the summit and then he falls asleep during it! What a load of hot aid! And then the top polluters didn’t attend. With our border open and the”mother” of all caravans is on the way and Biden wanting to pay illegal immigrants who were separated when illegally crossing the border, $450,000 each WHO BROKE THE LAW COMING HERE! Biden won’t allow Texas to finish the wall on their border with materials already paid for and rusting, but we taxpayers have to pay for a wall around his lakeside home! This administration believes in so much lawlessness and refuses to correct it! With inflation out of control, gas prices in some areas at $8 a gallon and Biden hasn’t figured out to open up our pipelines and resume drilling on federal land but instead he asks foreign countries for oil! Go figure! Vice President Kamala Harris, the one who cackles/laughs at everything makes herself unavailable along with  no evidence of job performance. What does she do? And we pay for all of these shenanigans! With our military heroes, medical workers, police, firemen, first responders, who risked their lives at the start of the pandemic are being fired for not receiving covid shot. As my father-in-law said: “You don’t have to fire a shot, just brain wash our youth in the schools and you will control the USA” and that was 35 years ago. How right he was. Nov. 2nd America woke up and saw the danger. Mama Bear is on the move! My faith in America is renewed.
To those in the 30 percent bracket who think that Biden and who’s pulling the strings, walk on water, just ask yourself - what has Biden done? What has improved in the last 9 months and if this decay keeps on, how much more will he mess up?
Some people think the democrat party is the party of old but it’s not and only in name only. Why don’t they be honest and admit that they actually are Socialists and there’s another party for that - I believe it’s combined with the communists.
How can Congress pass a bill that they haven’t totally written yet? It totals 2200-2300 pages compared to the Bible with 1323 pages and I’m sure most democrats haven’t read either one. And, who is going to pay for all of this stuff? YOU AND I!
Let’s all get on the bandwagon and take America back! God has given us the greatest nation on the face of the earth along with a constitution that provides for our rights and freedoms. Let’s not screw it up!

Roger Pillath



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