Jeff Budish - Letter to Editor


Corporations have been using our environment for years as a dumping ground for their toxic waste making record profits on our land, waterways, and air.

People are being poisoned by these companies and it is time the people hold these companies accountable for their actions. We have to stop monetary value for political favoritism. These companies are buying public servants. They are no longer working for us, they are working for the American dollar.

Our water has been decaying for years. We have to stop risking our water, air, and land. Eastern US has nearly 4,500 miles of streams polluted from mines. Western US has nearly 10,00 miles of waterways polluted by these abandoned mines leaving the bill for cleanup to the tax payers. Abandoned mines are still generating acid mines drainage or AMD. The metal mining industry was responsible for 41% of all the toxins released into our environment. Now we have PFOS and PFA’s to deal with. They are forever chemicals and now our bay is poisoned with these forever chemicals. Where are our political figures standing up for the people. Our drinking water is poisoned. Our fish are poisoned. Our wildlife is poisoned. And they claim no responsibility. Who do you believe the scientists or the corporate polluters? I believe in the scientists. They recently did a fingerprint analysis. It points in one direction. It’s time to spend some of their profits that they made using our land and water as a dumping ground for their poisons. We are leaving our children a toxic world. Wake up and hold all accountable for their actions. Everyone wake up and get your heads out of your kiesters. Stand up and say enough is enough.

Jeff Budish



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